At Our Leisure: Snow Play in the San Gabriel Mountains, 1920s

by Paul R. Spitzzeri

With all of this precipitation falling this winter in amounts we haven’t seen in our drought-stricken region for several years, there is also some decent snowfall in the San Gabriel Mountains.

The National Weather Service forecast for today was for a potential of about two feet of snow today and another three to five inches tonight, with Sunday possible bringing another foot.

This snapshot from the Homestead’s collection shows a group of friends and their jalopies parked somewhere in the San Gabriel Mountains sometime during the 1920s and enjoying the snow.

So, it seemed like a good time to post a fun little snapshot from sometime during the 1920s of a quartet of friends with their two automobiles parked in the San Gabriels and getting ready for a little snowball fight–well, at least the couple in the middle look raring to go!

Whether you’re staying in the flatlands and experiencing the kind of abundant rainfall we need and haven’t had for awhile or if you’re braving the traffic that’s sure to clog the roads climbing up to the local mountains for a little snowplay of your own, enjoy our burst of precipitation while it lasts!

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